Solidariedade pelo avesso: pedagogia como efeito de poder


  • Pedro Demo

Palabras clave:

Solidarity; Power effect; Critical pedagogy


The concept of power effect signifies that the power phenomenon can reveal double effect, since we understand it dialectically, that is, as a nonlinear complexity. Applied to social policy for instance, social policy as power effect designates that we can obtain exactly the contrary result, that is, instead of promoting poor people, to marginalize them more and more. Applied to solidarity, solidarity as power effect indicates that we can preach solidarity as a means to domesticate marginalized people. Instead of emancipating them, to obfuscate any possibility to rebel and to confront exclusion. The text compares two authors, one who sees solidarity as a nonlinear complex phenomenon (Popkewitz), and other who moralizes the challenge of solidarity from the viewpoint of the central world system, losing the critical capacity to observe power effects (Sequeiros).


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Cómo citar

Demo, P. (2002). Solidariedade pelo avesso: pedagogia como efeito de poder. Boletín Técnico De Senac, 28(1), 2–9. Recuperado a partir de


