Learning based on professional training challenges in the Basque Country


  • Eugenio Astigarraga
  • Agustin Agirre




Vocational training, Educational innovation, Teaching training, Specific and transversal competences, Basque Country


After a brief contextualization of the Basque Country, this article describes the ETHAZI (High Performance Cycles in Basque) training model that is being developed by Tknika - Research and Innovation Centre Applied to Vocational Training - in order to respond to the new demands that arise in the workplace as a result of globalization and the exponential increase in technology.


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How to Cite

Astigarraga, E., & Agirre, A. (2018). Learning based on professional training challenges in the Basque Country. Senac Journal of Education and Work, 44(3). https://doi.org/10.26849/bts.v44i3.725