A pedagogia das competências e a psicologização das questões sociais


  • Marise Nogueira Ramos

Palabras clave:

Competence; Professional education; Constructivism; Condutivism; Knowledge


Shows three analytical tendencies related to the notion of competence: the association to the condutivism; the association to the constructivism and the association to the recent social-economic transformations. Situating the competence as a notion originated by the cognitive psychology, focuses that the last tendency express, actually, the social-economic appropriation of this notion, turning on the reference to the school work organization, directed by the necessity to adapt the subjects to the social instability as a phenomenon called as the 'psychologization' of the social questions.


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Cómo citar

Nogueira Ramos, M. (2001). A pedagogia das competências e a psicologização das questões sociais. Boletín Técnico De Senac, 27(3), 26–35. Recuperado a partir de https://senacbts.emnuvens.com.br/bts/article/view/573

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