A educação e o trabalho num tempo de crise


  • Edmée Nunes Salgado

Palabras clave:

Education; Vocational Education; Employment; Work


This article analyzes relations among work, employment, vocational training, and education. Itraises doubts
concerning the linkages between educational processes and the world of production. It points to the need to promote human development in which work is inherent to individuals’ existential trajectory. Educational processes should not be planned to meet specific corporate interests, it argues. On the contrary, they should take into account working relations, its complexity, significance, and importance. The article discusses efforts made by vocational training institutions, such as SENAC, in reanalyzing the meaning and scope of their programs, seeking to qualify individuals using scientific and technological knowledge which is the basis of human activities.


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Cómo citar

Salgado, E. N. (2004). A educação e o trabalho num tempo de crise. Boletín Técnico De Senac, 30(3), 23–29. Recuperado a partir de https://senacbts.emnuvens.com.br/bts/article/view/495

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