O livro e as mídias: problematizações


  • Eliana Yunes


Lecture, Technologies, Mass communications’s, School, Politcs lecture’s


Considering mass communications’s, high levels of illiteracy, function illiterate, expensive cost in books, what should we think? This new holders push indivisibles to read or put them apart even more? The recorders are dying, will the reading disappear? These new concepts, local knowledges and regional iniciatives (or projects), cab they change the production and receptions’s profile? They may force to reflect methodologies and strategies but hardly they can contribute to lecture disappearance, at least we have got to learn again with the new concepts.


Não há dados estatísticos.



Como Citar

Yunes, E. (2002). O livro e as mídias: problematizações. Boletim Técnico Do Senac, 28(3), 30–37. Obtido de https://senacbts.emnuvens.com.br/bts/article/view/535

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