Certificação Profissional: Avanços e Entravez Dez Anos Depois


  • João Carlos Alexim


Education, Labor, Certifi cation, Vocationa, Equality of Opportunities, Productivity


A partnership between the ILO and the Ministry of Labor and Employment made it possible to create in 1966 a discussion forum on vocational certifi cation in Brazil, pooling together sectors with a signifi cant interest in the theme. This initiative was followed up by the setting up of a formal technical committee by INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization, and Industrial Quality) and an intergovernmental commission to study the creation of a National Vocational Certifi cation System. In the meantime, vocational certifi cation has gained ground as an instrument to regulate the labor market and reinforce projects for developing the quality of production and services in the country. The issues of social justice, equality of opportunities, and social exclusion reduction pervade discussions and program implementation efforts. In sum, the article seeks to portray this journey and analyze some results.


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Como Citar

Alexim, J. C. (2006). Certificação Profissional: Avanços e Entravez Dez Anos Depois. Boletim Técnico Do Senac, 32(3), 40–47. Obtido de https://senacbts.emnuvens.com.br/bts/article/view/312

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